In math will continue to work on fractions. The test will be pushed back to the beginning of next week to better prepare students. Please review the following concepts or vocabulary with your child at home. Talking about their meaning at home really helps them to make connections while we work on them in school. The key concepts and vocabulary for our fraction unit include the following: comparing numbers, denominator, equal distance (fraction if a line ex. measuring) equal parts, equivalent fractions, fraction, number line, numerator, ordering numbers, whole and whole numbers.
Questions you could ask your child:
How many equal pieces is that divided up into? What is the fraction of one piece. (1/8 if there were 8 equal pieces.)
What fraction of the crayons in the box are dull? (3/16 if 3 of the 16 crayons need to be sharpened.)
Whats greater, 1/2 of the pie or 3/10 of the pie?
Can you explain how a measuring tape is broken up into fractions or equal pieces? (Talk about how sometimes things are in-between units of measure such as inches and that's were fractions come in.)
Thanks for supporting your child with these hard concepts.
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